stress less this holiday season. your business just needs a plan. your family needs you!

3 Secrets to Stress Less this Holiday Season

‘Tis the season… How you finish this will say a lot about how you show up for your family and loved ones for this year’s holidays. If you’ve crushed your goals this year and are finished planning your business for next year, odds are good you will rest easy this holiday season. For the rest, the holidays may bring a dose of stress and angst. It’s not too late! If you are in the latter group, you can still make yours merry and stress less! Follow these simple tips.

1. Look forward

What happens when we haven’t seen the results we hoped for or when we miss the mark on a goal or an expectation? Our minds naturally slip on their Sherlock Holmes caps and begin investigating. It seems so logical to investigate the cause of the failure so that you can avoid repeating the error. The trouble is, we have a hard time leaving it alone once we’ve discovered the cause. Our minds are bullies, constantly reminding us of times we weren’t successful and have trouble leaving this loop.

If you enter the holiday season stressed about the things you have no control over, these negatives will undoubtedly spill over to your loved ones, which will perpetuate your stress. Take this tip from therapist Emily Garcia on disqualifying the negative:

Ignoring a negative comment is easier said than done. Instead of repeating the negative comment in your head, try repeating all of the comments in order to give yourself perspective. Focus on what you did well and allow yourself to feel proud then consider how you can improve on what is already good.

If you can focus on your successes and those things which went well, you will find yourself not only in a better place to enjoy the holidays, but also to begin planning for next year.

focus on the plan, not the problem. Stress less this holiday season

2. Have a plan

If you haven’t yet made a business plan for next year, it isn’t too late. While I highly recommend a full day off-site business planning and goal setting retreat, simply starting a plan now may be enough to let your mind relax and stop racing.

If the holidays sneaked up on you and caught you with your pants down, so to speak, you can make your very own One Page Business Plan in just an hour or two! Get it out of your head and organized on paper. Then schedule a call with me for right after the New Year to put this into action.

3. Stop working!

I really do embrace technology and appreciate how it has changed the face of business. We continue to improve it and make it more efficient. Just this year we all learned another meaning for the word Zoom. Now, especially with the increased number of remote workers, we find more Americans are over-working themselves and working longer hours.

Set expectations with your clients and with your team. Teach people how to treat you. What would happen if that client who called you on Christmas day while your kids were opening presents had to wait until the next business day? In most lines of business, at worst the problem will remain the same. At best, it may have worked itself out. What would you really gain from jumping on that other person’s priority? One thing is certain… you would affirm for them that you have no boundaries and are available to their beck and call.

stress less this holiday season with a digital detox

Get rid of your digital crack! When you are with your loved ones and with your family, be there for them. That buzz in your pocket and that text message ding release dopamine which is addicting. Once you know there is a message or an email, you’ll have a hard time focusing on what’s important and you are more inclined to place your work before irreplaceable memories. Turn your notifications off, leave your smart phone and laptop in your office, and be there for your loved ones. As Gary Keller says in The ONE Thing:

Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls– family, health, friends, integrity– are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered.


‘Tis the season of giving! If you know someone in business who could benefit from a less stressful holiday season, please share this post with them. If you know someone who is on the verge of their next breakthrough or who could use a rebound, give the gift of coaching!

This month, I am offering a 50% discount on your first month of Mastery Coaching. This special expires when the ball drops on the New Year. Sign up today or give the gift of coaching to someone you care about.

Give the gift of coaching, for a happy and stress less holiday!

Posted by Adam Lendi

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