Start Coaching

Let’s get registered for coaching! You are enrolling in our “Mastery Coaching” program.

We offer “month to month” contracts at MAPS Business Coaching. That means that you aren’t tied to a lengthy contract, so if coaching isn’t right for you, you just give us 30 days notice and then we’ll put your coaching contract and billing on hold until you are ready to come back or at the end of 30 days, you’ll be free to find another program that meets your needs better!

As a client of MAPS Business Coaching, you can expect:
✔ A world-class coach hand-selected by our leadership team to help you grow your business.
✔ A thorough assessment of your business’s vital signs.
✔ Creation of a customized action plan to catapult you into immediate results.
✔ Skill-based sessions to identify and focus on your strengths to make them work for you.
✔ Training and coaching around scripts and dialogues to accelerate your success.
✔ Accountability sessions to ensure that once you’ve developed a plan, you stick with it to accomplish your goals and increase.
your income
✔ Creation of customized strategies developed in your personal coaching sessions to actualize your vision and goals for your business.
✔ Coaching and application of the proven principles in Gary Keller’s #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller The ONE Thing.
✔ Use of a powerful habit and goal tracker that allows you to track your progress and share with your coach the feedback necessary to create change and ignite your business.
✔ Weekly phone sessions with your personal coach.
✔ Semi-annual events with other businesses that are also coached by our team for networking, growth and personal development.
✔ Monthly webinar events to increase your knowledge and skill-set in a variety of subject matters including leadership, growth, team-building, communication and more.
✔ Membership in our private community of like-minded business builders for your networking and growth.

Michael P.

“Adam has been an invaluable partner in my businesses. He is a great listener and is highly skilled in helping me achieve clarity in my business pursuits. He has been excellent at consistently helping me break down the big vision into meaningful next steps and then holding me accountable to those steps. I would encourage anyone interested in taking their life and business to the next level to invest in a coaching partnership with Adam.”

Michael P.