
Hello! I’m Adam Lendi. I am a husband, a father, and an outdoor adventurer. To support all of these great things I do in my life, I help business owners and entrepreneurs develop their “big why” and fulfill it through their businesses. I believe that the American dream is about living a life in alignment with your values and achieving your biggest goals!

To say my experience is varied is an understatement. The son of two entrepreneurs, I watched my parents develop and grow two businesses. From my angle, I saw a lot of stress, long hours, and many missed baseball games. This seemed to be the norm with other childhood friends whose parents owned businesses and it made me swear off business ownership for the better part of my youth. What I didn’t realize at the time was that most business owners are going in blind, without a plan, without the right people, and without strategies to grow. It was always survival, for most of them.

My first career landed me in a boutique electronics shop which designed, built, and sold professional audio equipment and stage lighting. The company, despite having been in business for decades was not growing and at the time, I did not know why. Looking back it’s easy to see that too much responsibility lied on too few of people. I was a salesman, an engineer, a fabricator, a repair technician, a foreman, a laborer, and I even sometimes ran billing and collections. I wasn’t the exception either, as the owner had similar responsibilities. How could we have ever grown the business when we were sinking in responsibility?

My second career was in law enforcement, where I served as a patrolman and a K-9 handler for a decade. While working in a paramilitary organization is a far cry from running a business, it was my first opportunity to see how efficiently a team can operate when you have clearly defined roles, expectations, and procedures. It was a fun part of my professional life, however, it left me desiring a bigger life, which I found in my next chapter.

I thought of the people in my life who were most successful and who seemed the most fulfilled. One person who came to mind was my real estate agent. I’d first met Alan in 2003 and he made enough impact on me that when I bought my first house in 2008, I called him. Alan was the guy who seemed to have it all figured out. He led a wildly successful real estate team, a large group of friends, and always seemed to be learning and growing. After meeting over a cup of coffee one day, he helped me discover that what I sought was a future I could manifest, which my W-2 job could not provide. You could say my coaching relationship with Alan started that day. Less than two month later I had my real estate license and I was in the production office of our team.

I didn’t yet understand how good I had it as I had just stumbled into Keller Williams, by way of the team. The books written by Gary Keller, the trainings provided by the organization (many of which were more about mindset and personal growth than they were sales and business), and the coaching were top notch. I was like a sponge, soaking up as much as I could. I quickly became a self-help junkie and immediately found success. I was my office rookie of the year and exceeded my first year goals by a substantial margin.

Even in my law enforcement days, I had a passion for teaching, leading, and developing. I created several curriculum based upon innovative models and ways to be more effective in policing. This quickly translated to my real estate career, where I found myself training new agents on our team and coaching a few others in their businesses and personal lives. I bleed Keller Williams red and was proud of our systems, processes, and easy to understand models.

When I learned that KW MAPS, the top real estate coaching business in the industry was re-tooling its systems to apply to other businesses and industries, I easily understood the value. I had already been using KW systems to help my wife build her therapy and wellness business. The training and certification to become a MAPS Business Coach is a twelve week course with ongoing education, to ensure we are coaching to the best of our abilities, to help our clients be their best. Coaching provides me the fulfillment to model a better business ownership experience for my own kids… our next generation of business leaders!

-Adam Lendi

We create sacred partnerships that require the best in us, to bring out the best in them.

MAPS Business Coaching