Event Category: Events

Promoted to Guest! Sell your RV park on terms!

Promoted to Guest! Sell your RV park on terms!

Whether you plan to retire in five years or fifty, your planning today will create meaningful gains for your future! When it’s time to sell your RV park or campground, be sure you can earn top dollar. All too often I see preventable mistakes made which cost hundreds of thousands or worse, bankrupt the business!

Why do we RV? We love the freedom of getting to live wherever we park, meeting new friends, and exploring the world in ways others can only dream. It’s of little doubt that your love of the lifestyle is what drew you into the business.

Common mistakes when people sell their RV park

Your charisma, care, and ingenuity have likely built you a following and have brought you great satisfaction. Remember that although you are doing what you love, you are still running a business. As an investor and a broker, I have seen too many park owners violate four key principles in their businesses:

  1. No profit on their books
  2. They have made themselves indispensable
  3. Not attracting new business
  4. Not growing… or worse, they are dwindling!

Whether retirement is in your near future or not even in your field of vision, this class is for you. You will get the tools you need to ensure that when you sell your park you will earn top dollar. Everyone can benefit from extra profit and a smoother operation with the right people in the right seats. You will walk away with the tools you need to run your park like the asset it is. Join your fellow RVer and business coach, Adam Lendi, for two hours of business planning to ensure you put the most money in your pocket and your portfolio!

Who is Adam Lendi?

Adam Lendi’s mission is to help business owners build meaningful legacies worth leaving. He has focused his field on RV park and campground owners after repeatedly watching their businesses become their ball and chain. The stories were heartbreaking. Most park owners bought or built for their passion and are the best at their craft. There’s simply no way for you to know everything about business in general. That is where your coach comes in. Adam Lendi begins his legacy planning with the end goal in sight and works backwards to give you the tools you need to succeed, today!

Build a Referral Based Business

Build a Referral Based Business


Spend 45 minutes with Adam Lendi, a Certified Coach with MAPS Business Coaching.

How do you make the transition from hunter to farmer? This course is NOT for those who love cold-calling and running transactional businesses. If you are ready to have business come to you, from those who know, like, and trust you, this is where you need to be!

Get registered today and tell a friend! What do you have to lose, it’s FREE?!


Profit First

Profit First


Spend 45 minutes with Adam Lendi, a Certified Business Coach with MAPS Business Coaching.

In this class, Adam will walk us through the Profit First system of budgeting. Based on the book by Mike Michalowicz, profit is the reason we get into business and it doesn’t deserve to be on the bottom line of our P&L. This course will overview the five accounts needed to run the model, the system to assess and benchmark your profitability, and the procedure to increase your profit over time.

Join us for 45 minutes and walk away with practical skills that you can use in your life and business!


Coffee is for Closers

Coffee is for Closers

Spend 45 minutes with Adam Lendi, a Certified Coach with MAPS Business Coaching.

In this session, Adam will cover follow up processes and systems to convert captured leads into closed business. Adam will share stats from different industries on the conversion rates and follow up procedures which result in closed business. There will be live coaching opportunities for those looking for their next breakthrough!

Join us for 45-minutes and walk away with practical skills that you can use in your life and business!

Get registered today and tell a friend! What do you have to lose, it’s FREE?!


Growth Mindset Lead Generation

Growth Mindset Lead Generation

Spend 45 minutes with Adam Lendi, a Certified Coach with MAPS Business Coaching.

In this session, Adam will cover lead generation and break down the difference between marketing and prospecting. The types of lead generation vary by industry, however, the core tenets are universal. Lead generation requires constant input. In this class, Adam will cover the importance of time blocking, to ensure consistent results.

Join us for 45-minutes and walk away with practical skills that you can use in your life and business!

Get registered today and tell a friend! What do you have to lose, it’s FREE?!


Halftime Goal Setting

Halftime Goal Setting

Spend 45 minutes with Adam Lending, a Certified Coach with MAPS Business Coaching.

In this session, Adam Lendi will help us get focused on goal-setting and using the GPS as a one-year business plan for the second half of 2020.

Join us for 45-minutes and walk away with practical skills that you can use in your life and business!

Get registered today and tell a friend! What do you have to lose, it’s FREE?!


Get the 4-1-1 on Your Schedule

Get the 4-1-1 on Your Schedule

Do you know what you must do today to ensure you achieve your goals this year? I’m sharing a tool used by top performers to achieve goals!

How do we know what we should do to achieve our biggest goals and when we should do it? I’m going to give you the tool used by billionaires to go into each month, each week, and even each day with clarity on what you need to be doing to hit your goals in your business and in your personal life.