
Pulling Your Crux

Pulling Your Crux

In the mountaineering and rock climbing world, the crux is typically the most challenging part of our climb. It is the difficult task ahead of us, which we can often see coming and for which we can plan for. Overcoming your crux may mean taking a slightly different route, planning a rest, and even practicing a move, before you get there. Attacking your crux may require several attempts and one which is still not yet overcome will humbly be known as your project. Once your skills and your experience get you to the level where you can overcome the obstacle ahead of you, you will crush your crux.

In mountain and rock climbing, you’re never at it alone. You have a partner with you to help you build a system to keep you safe, to be your second set of eyes on your project, and to help guide you toward that next accomplishment… your crux. That person is your belay. This is your partner down at the other end of the rope. They get to know your style. They know your strengths and when you aren’t pushing yourself in areas they know you are capable. They help you develop your strategy and they also help you develop systems to get you to the next level and to keep you safe. Your belay is in routine communication with you and there are concise and planned times you and your belay will communicate to ensure you are both clear on what you need to climb over your crux.

Too often in business, we go it alone. We take the journey by ourselves and rely on our knowledge in our industry and that expertise to make us successful. In the climbing community, we call this “free solo” or “soloing it.” Free solo climbers go alone and they have no rope. Sometimes they are successful. When they aren’t, the results are devastating.

Everyone can benefit from that second set of eyes; that person who is in the trenches with you every week; who knows your strengths and who knows you well enough to know that you may be a bit off-route or not pushing yourself to your potential. We all need and can benefit from that sacred partnership; be that on the mountain, in business, or in life. Hiring a coach helps you get crystal clear on your biggest goals (crux) and help you pick a route and develop strategies to get there. At every milestone along the way, your coach will be there to help you re-orient and make sure you are still on track to reach your goal. Then, once you’ve climbed your crux, your coach will be there to hep you identify your next.

If you are committed to leading a big life, you could benefit from having a coach by your side. If you’re ready to take the next step, send me a message or call me today.

Posted by Adam Lendi, 0 comments