
Tragedy or Triumph… YOU Choose

Tragedy or Triumph… YOU Choose

It’s rare that things ever go as planned and whether we recognize it or not, we make several decisions each day to compensate for these changes and unforeseen hurdles. Why then do we, the resilient, the nimble and adaptive taskmasters, the can-doers, why did we get de-railed THIS time? Why does it seem that for so many around us there is a sense of hopelessness and defeat?

For millennia, people have had their lifestyles changed and their businesses affected, however, it doesn’t typically happen to many industries at the same time. When Henry Ford brought the modern automobile to market, no doubt this upended the buggy-whip operators, however, it likely did not affect the financial industry. When the internet and dotcom boom of the 1990’s began digging the grave for many brick-and-mortars, the automobile industry was not negatively impacted. The point being, businesses and industries often experience significant shifts and sometimes even obsolescence. What’s different this year is that many people and businesses are experiencing this all at the same time.

An important consideration is that not all businesses are being affected by COVID-19, the riots, or even the murder hornets. Many businesses were already positioned to thrive in the changing environment from in-person to remote and virtual environments. These businesses may have had foresight or they may have simply lucked their way into success. Any business which was already tech-enabled and ready to operate remotely, may have survived this year, thus far, without any losses, or even significant gains.

Where does this leave the rest of us? I’ve talked to a number of business owners who tell me they can’t change and that they will not be able to recover until things “go back to normal.” The reality we may be faced with is that things will never completely return to any sense of normalcy. We may have entire industries made obsolete if they don’t pivot and find a new opportunity.

Even now, these owners would be wise to explore other options and find a need they can fulfill. One outcome may be that your business does return to its prior operation. Another may be that you don’t ever return to the way things were and you’ve now forged the next phase of your business; until the next pivot. What we cannot do is nothing. Eventually, the buggy-whip operator needed to become a chauffeur, to avoid being out of business.

If you’re stuck and not sure where to go next, it’s time to revisit your business plan and your goals. Schedule a free business assessment with me to determine the one thing you can do right now to ensure your year is successful. The call is free and I only ask that you set aside time you won’t be driving or otherwise distracted and that you bring a pen and paper. You will likely have an a-ha moment that you’ll want to write down.

Posted by Adam Lendi in Business Planning, Goal Setting, 1 comment